The humor of the "hippy world" through "Freak Brothers", while following a group of druggies in the world, we get a look into what the time period thought about them. Which I technically don agree with the statement, it is funny to read. They exaggerate some of the stories to a point of ridiculousness. To the point of showing fear towards government and cops, and how absurd both sides views.  This comic kinda reminds me of the simpsons, making fun of America, but not getting mad at the idea. I feel like sometimes I put myself into these character shoes, due to relating to them in some ways, and laughing at myself. The style of characters is interesting because the worldview of hippies are a little different than what they were then. For example when I think of hippies, its long hair, headband, peace symbols, and vibrant clothes. While these are conveyed completely different than what I thought of as hippies. 

One issue they did bring up that was humorous that, was the idea of a brotherhood of terrorist and colonels. They discuss how the government is taking their jobs, which O find interesting because it makes you question whether they meant that the government is doing terrorist acts. A terrorist doesn't like that because of thats their job in this world. The idea that a terrorist is mad at the government because he was supposed to blow these things up. And calling this an illegal act. Also, this brings up the idea of a conspiracy, government working with terrorist for their own reasons. the whole conspiracy of 9/11 is one of them.  Not saying I believe in it, but who knows. I am sure the government has made deals with terrorist. 

I loved the Freak Brothers, becomes it brings up topics that are humorous with some context or meaning behind them.


  1. I didn't really think about how the brothers where anti-hippies hippies. But in a way they are. They love drugs, sex and having a good time, living on nothing but at they are defiantly more closers to anarchist then I usually think of hippies

  2. Nice Post. I like the fact that you identified yourself with the characters in the comics. That by itself lets me know that its a comic worth reading. I Enjoyed your "conspiracy Theories" about the government. It seems like you read the comic the way the writer was intending it to be read.
    A minor thing you could Improve on is on your descriptions. At the end of the first paragraph you talk about how hippie stereotypes back then are different from the ones we have now days. However, you don't describe hippies from back then, so I have no idea what you are compering modern day hippies to.
    Also, Try to name your posts properly. Just having the date does not let the reader know what the Post is about.

    Other than that, Nice Post!

  3. Interesting post, interesting that you had a connection with the characters of the comic, and especially the thought of conspiracies peaked my interest that I had to read it again. Thanks for point it out.


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