So while reading the two comics, I found interest in the two comic books difference in style. Even though they both have a grit to each one of them, Blankets has a cleaner style. I feel like you couldn't interchange them because it would throw the whole mood and concept out the window. When I finished both of them, I found both actually pretty relatable. Especially the issue of dealing with religion. They both tackled that issue well instead of bashing them about their viewpoints. In Blankets, I really like how the artist stretch the compositions and perspective of the whole piece. they would stretch certain characters expression as well as break some of the styles to show more mood by making less clean shapes. To contrast, I also enjoyed how Contract the God style was rough and felt like you were in the ghettos of New York. Each one I think executed their pieces very well, even if you don't relate to them, I felt like they impacted me and my viewpoints.


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