I have read a couple of different Batman comics, but I found it really fascinating looking at the development of the comics from a very simple design, with not much development in the panels. Also trying to break the panels and not keep it into the squares. Also, the subject matter is influenced by the time period. I found it interesting that you can see the style clean up in line work and colors. That the artist got better at understanding the effectiveness in color and as well as placement in quotes. From 1 to 700 issue fo batman I find crazy the amount of batmans and stories there are. Also, the development of the character has changed so much. From his origins and how he became batman was something, I found interesting. Instead of having him become a person trained by the league of shadows, but having him just become super intelligent and a person who works out a lot. I am curious on what batman will become in 20 years or so, with such changes to him.


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